| - I can't say enough good things about this shop. First, disclaimer, I was ASE certified *many* years ago, before most cars had computer controlled systems. So I like to think I know enough to not be deceived by auto shops.
I have frequented Marshall's Service Center for years, and been perfectly happy with them, except for one small issue. They are 10 miles from my house. So any lengthy service that requires dropping the vehicle off (they don't have shuttle service) can be a pain. So the only reason I tried Community was initially because they are close, and because ABC 15 news did a "smart shopper" segment on them so I thought, "How bad could they be?"
I started off with a simple oil change, tire rotation, and "could you please check some kind of fluid leak behind the left rear tire?" I elected to hang out in the lobby, and within 15 minutes the tech came in and asked me to come look at the vehicle on the rack. He found my left rear shock was "shot" and leaking fluid. It was clear to me that was causing the stain on my garage floor, so I went ahead with replacement of that.
I had also mentioned an odd shifting problem with the auto transmission. They found my transmission pan gasket leaking which *might* be causing the transmission to slip due to low fluid levels. I opted to hold off on that for a few weeks and come back for a full transmission system flush and gasket replacement.
As the repair went on, I listened to a conversation with another customer in the lobby with Lorenzo, the service manager. The customer had been told by a Chevrolet dealership that his PCV valve was bad, which was causing a performance problem with his vehicle but that "the valve and the valve cover for the head is one piece" and must be replaced together, all told costing $700. Myself, and Lorenzo, thought that sounded suspicious so Lorenzo (free of charge) made some phone calls for the customer to find that the PCV valve was SEPARATE from the valve cover, and cost a mere $5 for the PCV valve. The customer could swap that out themselves rather than paying the tech to do it or let Community do it for a small charge.
All that said, it's clear to me that Community treats customer's well, and they don't try to pull a fast one and make you spend money you don't need to. Further, I've had a nagging "clanking" noise in the front end of my vehicle for 2 years that no one has been able to isolate. The tech at Community took my vehicle for a test drive after replacing shocks and changing the oil, and relayed that he heard the sound I had complained about. He took another look at the vehicle and said, "Oh, it's your stabilizer, the bushing is worn and every time I drove over a bump in the road, it made that noise." Now that said, the repair is 10+ hours which means about $1000 to fix, but the tech made it clear this isn't a safety issue, just an annoyance. Until, of course, it gets really worn and then could be a safety issue but I was just impressed after ONE drive of the vehicle, he knew what the problem was (and again, he SHOWED me).
I can't say enough about the integrity of this shop. I'll be coming back again with all of my vehicles. Not withstanding my love of Marshall's Service Center, these guys are only 5 miles from my house and they're awesome :)