If I could give a 0 I wld. I was shopping in JCP near handbags when I was flagged down by Judy. I thought I wld give her a try since I needed my roots done and she claimed she had 26 yrs experience. I have very short brown, thick wavy hair with blonde through out. A month ago I had a full foil. Since Az Sun is strong most of my hair was blonde. I asked her to cover SOME OF THE BLONDE. She started cutting my hair w a razor and I asked her not to cause it ruins my ends. I asked her to keep my wispys at my nap which she cut off. I walked out of the salon with BROWN HAIR!!!! All my expensive foils were gone. I didn't realize till I washed and styled my hair that she either cut or the bleach BROKE OFF the top of my head leaving a half inch of hair. I wear my hair in a very short bob. It is now 8 weeks later and maybe I have an inch of hair on the top of my head. Some of my blonde has come thru, thanks to AZ sun. Do not use this woman for hair. She ruined mine and it will takes months for regrowth. I was not going to put a review but after this amount of time and I had to