On first sight I marveled at their tall tower sign. If you weren't optimistic before, just look up at it ;) The cafe structure is really pretty with the lights. And add the rising sun backdrop makes it all the more a sight to see. Then look around the location it's in. They're in the race for modern architecture achievement.
This time got to see the interior. Verrrrry pleasing use of materials. I'm not saying store products... I'm talking about the design and fixtures. It almost looks like there's an upstairs cafe seating lounge. Didn't see any accessible stairs though. But the sun that's allowed to shine light through those upstairs windows is very energy-wise efficient.
The kids working there are awesome. Slap the back of my hand, didn't observe the boy's name. But how great he was to ask whether I wanted blonde espresso or dark espresso. Then even gave a mini-lesson as to "why" blonde beans would have MORE caffeine yet be on the sweeter side, because it's not roasted as long. (ding... light bulb). And upon leaving I hear "have a nice day!" How sweet are they? :)