I love Noble House. First of all, this place is NOT as obscenely expensive as everyone seems to claim. Knee-jerk reactions. Ask yourself how many times and how many different Chinese places you've tried... and how average they mostly all are. Now ask yourself if paying an extra $3 bucks per entree would make it worth it to actually get REALLY GOOD Chinese food -- to actually get what you "tasted" in your mind when you said to yourself, "I think I'm in the mood for Chinese." I work in Hudson and eat lunch here all the time. Myself and a co-worker, entree and split a side of egg rolls, we're out the door for $30.00 combined; app, entree, drinks, tip. I'd rather pay $30 for guaranteed great Chinese food than $25 for the same old average fluff. I recommend the black-pepper chicken.
And by the way, the atmosphere is great and the people are extremely welcoming.