KThe ambience allowed is the only downside, but it's a pretty big one. Charlotte hosts many travelers, domestic and international, because of its popularity for being a banking business hub. This means Fleming's would do well to make sure their clientele is aware of and respecting this fact.
The entire time having my solo meal at the bar (i do this a lot as a consultant and out of respect to the waiters in the dining room who are hoping for at least two diners), I felt like I was in an Irish pub NOT un upscale restaurant/bar. The three people sitting next to me should've been cut off or asked to quiet down, not allowed to yell obscenities or things like "titty bar!" Or "he got the black AND Hispanic fever!" The food is great, the wine selection is great but ambience overpowered it all. For that, the experience is a 3- star.
UPDATE: I told the bartender and manager and they responded admirably. I do not seek and actively reject comps, but allowed them to get me a glass of wine on the house. I was invited back, to show that they will take measures to correct this issue. I'm not back for 6 months and I'm looking forward to the visit.