Writing for my wife, Bridget: HealthCare Partners approves my PCP referrals for United Healthcare Medicare Complete HMO. HealthCare Partners sent me to Women's Cancer Center of Nevada, 3131 La Canada Street, Suite 241, Las Vegas, where I was supposed to have a genetics test. They would not see me because I would not provide my social security number. I explained to them that twice before my social security number was hacked, both times due to medical. It cost us time, effort, and money to get it squared away. They didn't care. I asked them if they saw patients who are not U.S. citizens who don't have social security numbers ? They said they did but we require your S.S.#. The Social Security Administration says not to give out your number unless they pay you on which you would have to pay income taxes. They have no right to my social security number and I strongly suggest you straighten them out about this. They wouldn't see me so I left.