Jet is your average nightclub in Vegas. Lines here get pretty long and we were also in line for a while, but at least we got in with complimentary passes. We came here about 15 people deep with more girls than guys.
One thing that was pretty messed up was that most of us were waiting in line the whole time and we were waiting for 2 people. They finally arrived right after they let us all in. We asked if the 2 other members of our group can get in along with us and they said no. They even kicked one of us out just for asking. LOL! Anyways, the bouncers just wanted us to give them a tip before they did us a "favor" which we might have considered if they weren't such ass holes. Anyways, they eventually got in 20 minutes later and we partied up for a couple of hours before we headed to XS at Encore!
I've had mixed experiences from here before. Anywhere from dropping a few grand on bottles here to getting kicked out for weed! Which happened not to be mines by the way! It somehow magically was getting passed around and happen to come across me. LMAO!