They ARE a basic-simple coffee shop; frappé and blended drinks be damned. These are coffee purists... coffee aficionados.
Now normally good coffee cafés do not equate to good tea (loose-leaf not bagged); however, here's a coffee company who at least tries to have a ~good~ tea. While their tea service could do with serious improvement (please, tea steeps in a pot, not the cup... And please allow the tea to steep before adding milk or cream), the quality for their small selection is well-above the norm.
Their pastry selection is not only impressive, but truly tasty (not some dry garbage that turns to paste in one's mouth), flaky bites of pure sugar-high heaven.
The shop it self is delightfully hip(ster); clean, sleek, inviting, and a bit eye-candy with lots of awesome people watching; however, it's not a comfortable coffee shop. I couldn't linger bc the seats were so uncomfortable.