Ahhh, airport food.......how do we ever justify what we spend on airport food? And don't get me started on the drinks, fer fks sake!! Well, ya walk in and you're senses are assaulted from every angle by every type of shit they could possibly throw at ya. And then your stomach starts tugging on your shirt hem like some spoiled brat in the middle of a Walmart candy isle until you give in! So I did! I had a Gyro because I'm a pita whore, and while it had enough lettuce to feed a herd of goats, it was not lacking in flavor when you actually bit into some of the meat. That is, IF you encounter some meat! So yeah I'm saying ya need to put some fkn meat on that 10 dollar fkn Gyro! If I wanted a salad I would have bought one! Ya get me all hungry, and my jibs be watering like the fkn Niagara Falls, and then you give me some meted out portion of what I want, buried under a mountain of mother fkn lettuce like you're telling me in an off hand way that Im fat! No, you're cheap! Now get your shit together and fatten those fkrs up! I'm sure I'll be back.