I picked Dark Horse out of a slew of top-rated coffee shops because of its relatively high ratings. Do note, that I spent the summer before inhaling Stumptown in Portland, OR which simply have the best lattes I've ever had so I might have my expectations bar set a little high.
I ordered a soy latte and a blueberry lemon coffee cake. As someone who usually drinks my coffee black, I consider a latte an occasional indulgence and I like to attribute words like velvety, rich, and complex to what I consider to be a good latte. Although aesthetically pleasing, I thought the drink itself was flat and watery. It was pretty much on par with a cup of Starbucks, which is not HORRIBLE but leaves a lot to be desired.
The vegan blueberry coffee cake was unappetizing as well. Although the blueberry layer was decent, the cake was dense (even gummy) and hard to swallow even when split between two people. The oatmeal crumble on top was also relatively hard too. Although I am an omnivore, my SO, a vegan agreed.