| - I've heard great things about this school and thought I'd apply for my creative, gifted 6th grader. Admission is by lottery, we were told.
We hustled to get through the application hoops by deadline, filing records of attendance, grades, AIMS, writing samples-- the student even took a placement test and auditioned on his instrument. That seemed a bit above and beyond for a lottery. Why don't they test the kids who are accepted, not every kid who want to apply? (Well they must have their reasoning.)
When our application was reviewed for completeness, we were told the lotter happened later that night but it takes some time to get the results--a week, maybe two. We'd be notified by email, they said.
That was in January. I checked the website after a week. Again after another week. Nothing. Waited some more and found I was able to get my child's lottery number by entering his last name and last four of his social. But then got this message:
"Please understand we are working to get applications processed as soon as possible and cannot give individual information at this time." Today is March 18 and that same message is on the site.
I avoided emailing or calling--not wanting to be THAT parent. So here we are at Spring break a not only do we not know whether he has been accepted, we have not received an acknowledgement of his application, nor an explanation for the delay, nor a hint of what to expect. Maybe they cancelled school next year? Do they figure parents will call anyway even though we were told we'd be notified by mail?
What kind of application process is this? How hard can it be to pick numbers from a hat? Are they really picking numbers or picking favorites? I have serious doubts about a school that takes two months to run a "lottery" and still can't communicate the "winners" to the applicants who provided plenty of contact information.
ASA may have excellent teachers, but the application process has me doubtful and annoyed.