"Grande Iced Caramel Macciato in a Venti cup, Breve, stirred, with 3.5 pumps of classic and 2.5 pumps of hazelnut and whip cream with extra caramel"...
I used to laugh at people who used to order like this. In fact, I would go out of my way to clown anyone who could conjure up such a request!
...and then I got a Starbucks gift card...and then I went to THIS Starbucks...and then I had a drink...and then another...and then another...
Today's standard order: "Venti Iced Black Tea w/ 1 pump of classic and 1 pump of vanilla, no water, with light extra ice (not extra light ice, mind you!)
That was 4 years ago. Today, I can honestly say that I am at once proud and ashamed that I have visited almost EVERY Starbucks in a twenty-five mile radius (My work has me all over town!) and in my humble opinion, no other Starbucks establishment can hold a novelty Frappucino off the Secret Menu to these guys!
How could I have possibly fallen into such a robotic display of consumer indulgence? Am I not ashamed of the obvious routine that borders on addiction? The care and efficiency that this Starbucks locale exhibits was enough to make me answer with a resounding "NO!" Clean, Fast and Cordial and can you believe that they memorized my order so that I no longer have to bear the shame of repeating my ridiculous-sounding tea?
I LOVE THIS STARBUCKS...and I don't even drink coffee! LOL