Renting at Randolph Park was perhaps my worst rental experience of all time. The staff was friendly and helpful until the ink dried on the lease agreement. Almost immediately after moving into the the unit we began to have problems with the appliances - from the garbage disposal to the A/C unit to the doorbell. It took five maintenance requests for the doorbell and it still never got fixed. Similar story with the A/C - it just never got properly fixed. During my year there the complex began an exterior renovation which lasted several months, 6 days a week, until it abruptly stopped. I can only speculate that they ran out of money? Regardless, now the complex looks even worse then before in its uncompleted state - and there seems to be no plans to continue. The management is unhelpful and quick to issue citations and fees for arbitrary infractions. Ex - I worked late nights and often had to sleep during the day so I covered up my window (from the inside) - the next day I had a fee notice on my door. In the past month my lease finally ended and I got the hell out of there. I received a letter on Saturday stating that I had a balance still due for random cleaning, etc. The following Tuesday they called and informed us that if we didn't pay that day then they were going to the credit bureau. Excuse me? A 2 day turnaround time?
Save yourself the headache and rent elsewhere. Hopefully somewhere that has a competent mgmt and maintenance team and isn't roach infested!