I've been coming here for 5 years. Came right after purchasing my first firearm (AR15). With no idea of what I was doing. Met two young veteran RO's who taught me how to sight in, and break down the bolt carrier for maintenance.
$9 All day range fees. Out of state friends can't believe this exists. Opened much later than other ranges 1-2 days a week. They have all sorts of cool training, and events, got my ccw course done here.
It's setup different from most ranges, since it is outdoors, and doesn't have motorized target lanes. You've gotta watch a video the first time showing how things are done. Pay attention to the flags, noise, and RO's. Also pay attention to part about prepping your firearms when target checking. It's pretty straight forward, keep em pointed down range al all times, and lock open their actions when you're going to check on targets.
This is probably the best place to sight in rifles locally, out to 250yds.