| - On the evening of Saturday, September 22, 2012, my wife and I stopped at Gateway Grill for dinner. Near the end of our meal, as I finished by dark colored soda (Pepsi), I noticed a dead house fly stuck to the inside of my glass, wedged between my plastic straw and the glass itself. There were no flies flying around the restaurant, leading me to believe that this fly was deposited into my glass via the soda dispenser or elsewhere from the kitchen area. I had one refill, however, my glass had not been fully emptied before being refilled, and I am therefore fairly positive that the house fly was in my glass the entire time, resulting in my drinking a beverage containing a disease-ridden insect throughout my entire meal.
The waitress offered to take the $2.00 drink off our $37.xx bill and when we asked to speak to a manager, he offered to deduct a $5 coupon (which we told him we already had anyway and he said he'd take another $5 off if that would 'make us happy'). Clearly, this isn't a big deal to them - otherwise the entire check would have been comped. When management was confronted, he simply stated that "with the changing weather" that "this happens sometimes" but that they "have a service" that handles things so that "things like that doesn't happen." When informed that it was disgusting, he then said that they "had a lot of customers" that day and the "door had been opened and closed a lot."
I guess other restaurants don't have people come in and out the door, as I don't have flies in my food when I eat elsewhere. They also must not have "changing weather" either - Gateway Grill must be isolated in some sort of "changing weather" vortex making bugs a problem for them only. It must be some sort of paradox (sense the sarcasm). THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR BUGS IN BEVERAGES/FOOD!
Management clearly sees no problem with serving someone a beverage (and/or other food) that is infested with bugs that feed on excrement. Therefore, it leaves me to wonder what else happens "behind the scenes" in the kitchen and what sort of health violations are in place. It just makes me nauseous to think about.
This was our first and will be the only visit to "House Fly Grill".