| - This coffee shop is cute, and has a great dark roasted brew. However, my pleasant trip here earlier today was interrupted by middle schoolers. They flocked by the thousands. At first, it was like when your ferret starts eating your wallet. Okay, that's too bad, but look at little Cuthbert chomping that cows hide; cute as can be! However, two months later, broke & in the alley, how cute is your little rodent friend now?! The youths were unfortunately, the same way . As I was sipping my joe, I saw four come in. Not so bad - look at how he likes the Italian leather! But then, they were ordering milkshakes! The epitome of milk related drinks! They were instagramming it like they were Cuthbert chomping on Italian leather as the door starts to open. More came in, I would guess 50, but with their kind, such a rumpus could be caused be a meager handful. Cuthbert and I saw all kinds: the edgy ones who drew eyes and sported "21 puppets" graphic ts, the mean ones who made fun of a man and his furry companion sporting an in - season beret. Overwhelmed by the edginess, we were forced to flea! I would say it is a cute place, with good coffee, and recommend it to everyone... but not since I became the laughing stock of the seventh grade!