I have came to Little Darlings 4 different occasions and every time I was dissatisfied. I love entertainers and the technically of dancing. Yet, this is NOT the place to enjoy it.
Cover for locals is $17 and $33 for outsiders, includes soda beverages at the bar. I have attended by myself AND with friends. We all agreed that the size of the venue was great but the atmosphere depressing. The entire night seemed unorganized. The dancers walk/stand around with scrunched mean faces and uncomfortable body language. I noticed they only smile when approaching a customer to converse. That being said 3 out of the 4 times i attended, I was never approached. Little do the women know I have $200+ for someone with good conversation and a nice smile. Oh well.
I think the top 2 buzz killers for me was the DJ and the Dancers. The music ranges from rock n' roll, 80s, to hip hop. I love the variety but the transitions are horrible and the in between songs are almost annoying. The DJ's voice sounds like he is at an auction and you can never hear what he is saying 90% of the time. I am a firm believer that the DJ controls the hype and atmosphere of a club. And unfortunately I was very bored and distant.
The dancers are average when it comes to the skill level. They know maybe 1 or 2 pole tricks then attempt to shake their butt to their chosen tune. The majority of the dancers are beautiful in their own way.Eh, I'd say there's only 1 woman that I enjoyed watching. Jackie was here name. She was smiling and flirting and used the entire stage during her performance! She made me smile and had my eyes locked. I moved closer and threw her a big tip, she came over and thanked me. Her breast were so soft ^_^} After her performance she came over to my chair and thanked me again. I tipped her a $20 bill then released her to make more money. Its very difficult to watch the other dancers on stage without my face being twisted. They are not entertaining nor look like they enjoy their job. Smh. I can't bare to return.
I would recommend going to Lacey's. Full Nude Full Bar Strip club. Thursdays 9pm-4am Fridays-Saturdays 3am-7am This is the Hip Hop strip club of Las Vegas. 21+ $20 cover charge for all. IF YOU WANT AN ENTERTAINING STRIP CLUB WITH DRINKS, BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, AND GREAT MUSIC THIS IS WHERE YOU SHOULD BE!! Not Little Darlings