Vegas hot is the spirit airlines of the Las Vegas yoga community.
You're drawn in by what you know is too good to be true, a year membership from 300-400 depending on what specials are running. Score! Or so you think. Before they were just beyond pushy with tipping... And the good instructors I would, but when class starts late, when half of the class time the instructor is flirting/favoring clearly favorite students... when the instructor just seems kinda pissed to be there... ehhh try again. Now "tipping" aka "service fee" is forced... you have to have a card on file that automatically deducts 1 or 2 dollars depending on the length of the class you attended. If you took 5 classes a week, in 52 weeks (wishful thinking.... I know... but just go with me here) thats $520, more than the cost of membership. (never mind that were at $800+ for yoga here...) Its a piss poor business model. Instructors should be paid more than minimum wage, they'd probably be happier, then more people would probably come, they'd get more tips, not begotten through duress, clients wouldn't feel nickel and dimed. Id rather have a $500 membership and not have to deal with the bullshit (not to mention that I'm quite leery of extra "service fees" being taken from my account from such an establishment).