Okay, here's what I did on my summer vacation, class...Helena watched 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead' a few months ago, and before I could say Australian douchebag, I had a state of the art juicer and a bunch of parsley in my fridge. We did a 15 day juice fast and considering I gave up food, wine and coffee for raw juices and a vegan raw hippie lifestyle for more than two weeks, I am surprised everyone involved is still alive.
Seriously it was a lot more pleasurable and cathartic an experience than I thought it would be going into it. One bright shining light in the whole situation was this Jamba Juice. Sadly a lot of the independent juice outfits just haven't made it in this economy, but this chain did a nice job of filling the gap in my mid-day fix. Carrot juice with wheatgrass was my little slice of heaven every day.
The staff is friendly and obliging. Only loss of a point for less than superior cleanliness behind the lines, because if I can see into your kitchen I want it to be immaculate. And I was starving daily, so my standards were probably a little harsh.