Las Vegas Home Watchers (Lisa and Gary) have definitely been a godsend to us. They have been caring for our Las Vegas home since May 2015
and have taken tremendous care of our investment. They are very professional, thorough, and honestly very nice people. They alerted us to a few situations with our home that we would have not been aware.
They told us of a temperature difference between upstairs and downstairs. There was a freon leak in the outside condenser. They scheduled and stayed with the HVAC experts as they troubleshot, found and fixed the problem.
Gary and Lisa alerted us to a pigeon roosting problem. They suggested and implemented a successful solution for us. They additionally determined that our builder had not only put in the wrong AC filters, but that they also installed them backwards.
They corrected the situation by installing five 3-month filters correctly. I would definitely give Las Vegas Home Watchers a thumbs up and recommend them and their services.
Jim and Deb Luceno