I'm an LA native, so I am admittedly a little snobby about Mexican food. I feel like Steel cactus breaks two cardinal rules of Mexican restaurants:
1. Chips and salsa should be free
2. Vegetarian options should NOT include tofu
There are many ways to do vegetarian Mexican dishes that don't involve meat substitutes. And if you want to do meat substitutes, seitan and tempeh are way better in the context of a taco or burrito. If you are absolutely set on doing tofu, crumble it (a la Chipotle). Cubes of tofu do not have the right texture at all for a Mexican dining experience.
Given my background, I order instead the 3 peppers burrito, which is always solid. The service is good, as is the drink selection. I also think the prices are fair. Therefore, Steel Cactus gets a solid 3.