Welcoming and timely service. Clean and well-run. To someone who has spent many hours consuming pho in the hidden corners of Little Saigon in the OC - this was a very pleasant surprise. Clientele was solid mix of gringos and asians.
Phood was 3.5 stars. Disappointed in our $5.75 spring rolls - which were 'stuffed' mostly with rice noodles and razor thin slices of sausage. But on the plus side the menu includes a whole page of interesting 'regional' noodle soups - so there are some off the beaten path options if you want to stray from the pho options. Plenty of sprouts and leaves served alongside - most noodle soups in the $9-$10 range.
Prices about 15% above where they should be - but for such a pleasant and friendly environment it's worth the extra few bucks. Note hot tea here is $1.95...
Would have assigned 3 stars purely on phood and prices - but great,friendly staff and service make this a 4 star review.