| - No. For a newly opened spot that is supposed to bring in some of the best DJs of our generation, this place does NOT deliver. I've been at house parties with bigger dance floors than this. Way too many people, way too many dudes pulling the-walk-of-shame, tugging through the crowd. Add to the mix the typical Vegas crowd. You know, the crowd that changes from Joe Somebody to James Bond perfection because it IS Vegas and alter egoes come out...
So you got a tiny dance floor, overly priced booze, girls turned into strobe-light-honeys, boys "accidentally" touching you cause there's no space. And I would have bought that, except a touch may be an accident, but a pinch is clearly not. If you're gonna be smooth, be smart about it. So I called him on it and it was like watching an idiot read the first page of "Sleazebagging for dummies".
Ok so look, if you just want the chance to dance, I'd say go for it, but go early. That dance floor loses it's space QUICK as the night quickly fills. It's a good spot for a trendy experience, I'll give it that. It's new, nice decor, sexy feel... But if you've got some claustrophobic issues such as myself, make your clubbing experience last at a less tighter joint.