| - I just had a crap-tastic day at the office. I'm tired as all get-out. And, to top it off, it's my birthday (a quarter century, if you're curious) and I'm too exhausted to celebrate with anything more than a smooch from my sweetie.
But I have a belly full of Royal Taj takeout and a glass of pinot noir. Things could be a lot worse.
While it's not the best Indian I've ever tasted, Royal Taj is consistently good -- plus, it's got a large enough menu to keep me trying new things for awhile. I'm a big fan of any of their saag dishes -- that creamy, spinachy, spicy concoction filled with lamb, chicken, seafood, or paneer -- served up spicy.
Vindaloo, korma and daal are all other safe bets here, as are the tandoor dishes. Hell, I'll eat anything on the menu, really.
So, why three stars? Well, the lamb's sometimes a little dry, and tonight, they forgot my rice, and overall, their prices are a little high compared to other local Indian joints. Plus, there's still a soft spot in my heart for Udupi and their swoon-worth veggie dishes.
But if Royal Taj can make my piss-poor day feel OK, chances are it can cure what ails you, too.