For such a filthy place to eat at, you'd think the staff would be smart, quick and polite, but you'd be wrong. We went they're on a Thursday night and the place was not too busy but that didn't stop the staff from taking their sweet time taking and placing our order.
We actually had to spell the order out for the poor girl behind the counter in an effort to guarantee accuracy but that was to no avail. The multitude of dirty tables was a nice treat as it made our table selection very quick and very easy. All we had to do was find THE clean one.
When the pizza was delivered it was the wrong pizza. We ate it anyways because really what's the difference?
Many of the games my family played either didn't work and would steal our tokens, or it wouldn't spit out tickets. Luckily all you have to do is play a new game called "Find the Manager" and boy do you get some cardio exercise out of that one. I've got to hand it to them on this one - it is a new twist to family entertainment that I've never encountered at other venues... maybe we're just used to getting what we pay for without the track and field run around.
The only way I'd ever go back to this CEC would be maybe if I left my wallet or child there, and depending on which child or how much cash I had in the wallet that's still a pretty big "maybe".