Ah Swiss Chalet, that venerable Canadian institution, seems to be on its last legs. I can't remember the last time I was in one, it was most likely accompanying grandparents. Anyway to demonstrate our culinary culture to an American friend, we ended up there Wednesday.
How times have changed! In addition to the venerable chicken and ribs, the chalet also offers chicken sandwiches, wraps, curries and all kinds of other foods to desperately try to attract the taste buds and wallets of us younger folk.
I had the chicken lunch special. A quarter chicken with mashed and a piece of pie for 9.99. My girlfriend had the open faced chicken sandwich. , which looked delicious. Our american friend was baffled by the generic chicken sauce and the lemon water to wash our hands. Midday on a weekday and the place was deserted.
Its hard to condemn this place but i feel that swiss chalet may be a bit past its prime.