I love these guys. I scheduled a cocktail-making class for my boyfriend's birthday (a month after we stated dating and I already was plying him with liquor) and they knocked it out of the park. First you make a drink, they you take a tour, and then you make another drink. I don't recall being given a third drink, though our class was a while ago; their classes now consist of one drink handed to you and two that you make yourself. While I did end up squirting club soda all over myself, I love the classic cocktail-making implements we used and techniques that we were taught. I can't remember why per se, but I know now to use the spoon with the twists to twirl the ice around in the glass - don't stir wildly like you're beating an egg in there!
The tour of the distillery itself was fascinating and full of entertaining bits of knowledge. I love that everything is open; if you have a question, they'll answer it honestly. If you want to see a part of the process, you can - there are no walls stopping you!
I'm looking forward to participating in a labeling party and if they do the Tar and Feather party at the end of summer again. I'm glad they're getting recognition in and around Pittsburgh and that they're able to expand to accommodate their growing business. I hope they don't get too big for the britches, but something tells me they'll do just fine.