I reserved a minivan almost a week before actually needing it. I'm a disabled veteran and my son has a lifelong illness, so we do not get our family out as often as we like. After a week of planning and getting the family excited about our little get away, we got a rude awakening at Dollar Car Rental on Swenson. My son and I arrived at Dollar Car Rental 10 minutes past our scheduled pick up. The employee approached my teenage son, looked at our reservation and stated to my son that they did not have out minivan. I thought that she just had bad humor, but when she did not lift her head or state that she was kidding, I said, "you're kidding right". NO minivans, no phone call about our cancelled reservation, no empathy or apology towards my son for ruining his vacation. These people simply did not appear to care. One of many responses is, "this happens all the time"... What???you ruin peoples vacations all the time???i WILL NEVER...NEVER GO BACK TO DOLLAR AND i WILL SOCIAL MEDIA ALL MY FELLOW DISABLED VETERANS TO DO THE SAME!