Same garbage experience nothing has changed.
If it wasn't for sports bartenders this place would be a complete shit show. I would happily and gladly tell the owner to go fuck himself. Fucking dirty machines all they do is fuck good people for their hard earned money. Don't bother trying your luck here it's a set up program on all machines for you to loose. Unless your 250 years old you will win consistently. I tried every machine on the sports bar and they all the same give you a couple pairs at 1st and then completely rape you for all your money as soon as you get comfortable with one drink since that's all the time they have to bring you a drink 1 for every couple hundred you loose. Great hospitality youFKN assholes. Not to mention bar tenders look at you like your a piece of shit on top of loosing. Oh yeah don't bother waiting on a cocktail waitress because you won't get one drink at a station casino even after you spent thousands of dollars
Oh yeah I had to edit this review after I was kicked out with money in my machine for asking their slot manager to fix broken machine. I thinks that's is stealing right their right after I put in a $20 dollar bill slot manager took it personal for asking her to fix machines and called security to kicked me out after 1 drink let's give Santa Fe a round of applause for customer service. Believe it or not go get fucked your self if you don't believe me