| - Maybe THE best pizza in Cleveland... USED to come out of this kitchen... back before the owners of Edison's kicked out the stoners who ran the Next Door Deli by jacking the rent up on them. The Next Door Deli guys didn't care about you, they cared about making fucking great pizza, and it didn't matter who you were, you were going to wait for them to bake it just right. And that was that.
Sadly, Next Door Deli failed to flourish in the new location they tried to establish on Kennilworth, and now I can't get my favorite pizza anymore. But I can still get pizza at Edison's, and it's almost as good. Just... I'll always have a little grudge because of what went down with the previous occupants. If the grudge ever wears off, I might give them another star.
What Edison's makes now is ALMOST as good, but somehow not the same. If you never ate at Next Door when it was Next Door, probably you wouldn't care. But let me tell you, if you had eaten there back when they were the best there was, you'd always care.