| - SOME* Helpful - SOME* lazy and/or disrespectful creepy perverts! SEE SPECIFICS BELOW regarding two separate visits I've made.
While some employees are helpful, and all provide friendly greets to customers upon entering the store, others are lazy, not want to help, provide subpar aid and/or try to 'pick up' a date in a unprofessional and derogatory manner!
This location is well stocked, clean and provides friendly greetings when customers walk in.
(March 2017, My turn signals and hazards were not functioning. This location having been the closest to my residence, I called to see if they had the fuse I needed in stock before I were to arrive.)
While on my way, I called and spoke with a female employee that told me no one there knew anything about fuses and I would have to "buy a book, and some books don't have [contain] the information" I need. She should have been more knowledgeable in the basics, as most vehicles contain a sticker in the fuse box with the entire information of which fuse is needed.
Seeking a different employee, I came in anyway.
The guy who greeted and assisted me went out to my car and showed me the sticker inside my fuse box with the fuse information. I informed him both my flashers and hazards were not functioning. He proceeded to tell me to buy a specific turn signal fuse, as "it should fix both the problems", which I did purchase. After buying it he offered to help me pop the fuse in. He then shows me that in that panel area, my car already came with extra fuses- including the one I just purchased. [What the heck!].
He pulled out a tweezer like tool from the panel and showed me how to pull and insert the fuse with it. Upon handing me the tool so I could place it back into the panel, it was dropped. Being handicapped, I did my best to get on the ground and look for the small part, but I could not locate it. Instead of helping me find it, he said there was "another one under the hood somewhere" that I could use if I needed to ever pull a fuse. I replaced the panel having no help retrieving the part that he was involved with loosing, which I think is absolutely inconsiderate!
When I turned my car on, we observed the issue with my flashers and hazards was not resolved. He then said I needed a switch and an entire new flasher unit piece in my column, "total costing upwards of $250.00". He said I could try a junkyard or they could order the 2 parts. I decided I would look online before deciding where to purchase the two parts he says I need.
I also needed 1 windshield wiper during that visit explained above. The guy did provide me with the least expensive as I requested and offered to and did pop it on for me.
(April 2015 My headlight was out and I needed a replacement.)
4. INADEQUATE AID : The guy there selected which bulb I needed based off his computer generated results and offered to help me install it. He screwed the light in but left a gaping space open from not pushing the cover back in which would automatically lock into a flush seal. Instead he told me it was "not a big deal". Later after departing, I attempted and successfully pushed the cover back into place. How infuriating, however that is only half of his ill service.
5. PERVERTED CREEP: While he was doing an inadequate swapping of the bulbs, he proceeded to 'come on' to me and asked me out! This would have been flattering if it not had been for his derogatory language, obvious glaring stares and chauvinism. I find this very unprofessional, rude and intolerable behavior for an individual to exhibit when a customer is not only expecting but deserves respectful service and aid!