THE BIG: Tucked away on the busy streets of Little Italy Toronto. Medium sized shop with decent amount of seating. Parking is relegated to metered street parking with tons of traffic on both side.
THE BLACK AND WHITE: It was our last day in Toronto and the bae and I decided to go grab some of what Canada is known for: Poutine! Let me tell you, parking is horrible here. If you have a chance, take public transportation or walk.
Walking in, the shop is a little grungy but I felt like it fit the decor. Each poutine option was bucketed off into the different proteins: chicken, pork, beef, veggie, etc. I heard the veggie poutine is great. That'll be something I'll get next time I visit Toronto.
We ended up getting the Korean BBQ (beef) and traditional poutines. The traditional contains the 3 essential ingredients: fries, gravy and cheese curds. The Korean BBQ poutine was a bit more expensive but wow did that taste amazing. Kbbq beef with kimchi, cheese curds, and red peppers. Yummm.
THE FINAL BAMBOO: $13.95 USD was the damage here for two distinctly different poutines. Super heavy and filling. Definitely can't wait for the Philly location to open up!