Four co-workers set out to have a welcome back lunch for one co-worker who is a seasonal employee and has been away all summer.
The ladies were indecisive, so they decided to head over to the Arizona Center and see what piqued their interest.
While getting in the car, the conversation turned to hot dogs (long story, involves a baseball game and what was thought to be a $10 bill but actually was a $20 bill). It was determined that the only place to get a good and cheap hotdog was Costco.
In the car, freshly returned co-worker grinned ... I wouldn't mind a hotdog, actually. So, off they went to the nearest Costco to enjoy a $1.50 meal of hotdog and soda.
(Pictures were taken and will be shared in a timely fashion)
It was nice and cool inside, it was loud enough to where the ladies could be rambunctious and not be disturbing others' lunches, but not too loud as to be shouting over one another. Plus, $1.50 for lunch!! And, two ladies split a frozen yogurt (the staff at Costco gave an additional cup) and then put Coca Cola in with it to make a Coke float. Delicious!