I agree with Karl R. 100%
Expat Torontonian (is that correct ?) here..who remembers Harvey's from when he was a kid, and gets Harveys every change he gets on a trip to Toronto.
You either like them or you don't. The texture of the beef patty beef isn't like any other burger joint. I think they mix in some veggie soybean stuff in there..but whatever they do the taste to me is excellent ! I have found some like it and some don't. But if you do, you really like it, which is me.
The stores are like BK as they are no frills tables, and seating.
I currently live in Florida, and we won't have anything like Harvey's in the States. So enjoy you Canucks, your lucky to have Harvey's up there.
Can't wait to introduce my family to a Harvey's burger. I'll let you know what they say.