My wife and I visited today for lunch solely because of it's Yelp rating and because it's fairly close by but mainly because of yelp.
From the outside, the place has absolutely NO curb appeal. Still though we went in, trusting in 105 yelp reviewers and walking inside was like walking into another world...Very, very nice. Very nicely decorated. Service was fast and efficient. We were well looked after by the wait staff.
I had an old favorite, pad thai. That's usually the bench mark I use for measuring how good food is. The pad thai was excellent. Had it with chicken but there were some shrimp thrown in. Got the medium heat and it was delicous!!
Wife had one of the currys. Ordered medium heat but she said that, while absolutely delicious, it wasn't as hot as she'd like it although she, too, had ordered medium. Could be a mistake in the kitchen. Anyway she said it was delicious. as well.
We also got some egg rolls. There were two of them and they were wonderful as well. They come with a fruit sauce which was ever so delicate. Very lightly pink but we couldn't tell from which fruit it came.
The whole entire meal exceeded our expectations well beyond what we even hoped for.
We both decided that this restaurant will go on our absolutely- must- revisit list.