| - the bingo halls in Vegas has sunk so low, they only payout maybe $25 a game {that's a blue card split between two people} almost every game. yes you will see one person "hit it big!" while you are there, it happens almost daily. Too bad that person is NEVER you, and yes casino's will put employees in plain clothes to win those big pots as enticement to keep you coming back.
You see, the brain behind this scam is called FortuNet Bingo. Its run by a con man who is using the bingo community as a ticket to get rich quick before we all catch on! This company has taken over every bingo hall on the west coast since 2006, and since then avid bingo players have started to notice the payouts getting less and less, and the jackpots taking months and months to hit. When you play alot, you start to figure out there is a method to this game and FortuNet has rigged this game in the casino's /their favor by holding out big payouts and knowing who is going to hit those big pots by rigging the cards to certain folks favor. Whenever you are using a computer to play a game, the owner of said computer can program it to win or lose. Ever wonder why you can't see "all" of your cards on that machine? Or why it is you only need 3 #s to win, and those same 3#s are on every one of your cards?
Ok, I am not going keep trying to explain to you all how the bingo halls are ripping you off, but seriously, from a long time gambler to these young folks I see crowding into these bingo halls, here is a clue to you....go play black jack, or craps if you have to spend you little amount of money to gamble. You are NOT going to win, and if you ever do, it will be the LAST time you win. They will take it all back and then some. Frankly I don't get why young people do not have better things to do with time. The last thing we would EVER consider fun would be sitting along with a bunch of diaper gangers playing a game that takes NO SKILL and being bored to death. Go out and enjoy your short years that you are young, you will have plenty of time to get fat, get drunk and be broke, trust that! Now, the last word on this company....
FortunNet has multiple lawsuits against it right now, they are being investigated on accusations of cheating and fraud against the CEO and it won't stop there. Many bingo halls are getting smart and pulling out, getting behind new companies while the gettin is good.
Next time someone tries to talk you into sitting for an hour behind a computer screen hoping to win a fortune, tell them to play online poker instead. At least that takes some skill and you stand a chance to win! And I think the casino's need to up the age back to 21, high school kids have no business in a bingo hall!