I can't put my finger on why, but this location seems slightly less of a hot mess than the west side. The parking lot is still a nightmare, but that seems par for the course for any Costco location.
I've stopped in twice. The first was to put in an order for a birthday cake. When you don't need a cart, it's a pretty easy straight shot all the way to the right to the bakery area. There's a selection of cakes ready to go, or you can place a semi-custom order by looking at the photo board and filling out a sheet. Cakes come in two varieties: chocolate with chocolate frosting and chocolate mousse filling or vanilla with white frosting and cheesecake mousse filling. You can get custom writing and some cakes have options for flower/decoration color. The cake weighs in around 10 pounds, serves 48, and is only $19.
My next visit was to pick up the cake and I took a quick spin through the store. There are some really solid deals, but you have to pay attention. Some things are the same or more than a grocery or regular big box store, but just in a larger quantity. I grabbed a dozen fresh Einstein bagels for $7 and a giant package of toilet paper for a couple bucks less than the equivalent amount at Target.
Saturday afternoon was a bit of a cluster; Friday afternoon was pleasantly manageable.