My girlfriend and I decided to check out this place and after our fine meal we grabbed a movie and a butt plug from the porn shop next door, then went to Circle-K which is also next door (A&J's is right between the two) and made our last purchase of a couple Old English 40's. We then headed home to finish off what obviously was an amazing evening.
Ha ha, but in all seriousness, this place is great. The pizza is nothing short of fabulous and the prices are very reasonable. And people say the decor isn't good? It's perfect! There are a number of old Elvis posters taped up near the high ceiling, some of which are crooked, plastic chairs are carefully organized around each table, the lighting consists of (energy/environmentally friendly florescent) light bulbs hanging by their wires from the ceiling, and to top it off the windows are tinted by means of taped up sheets of tint plastic for the comfort of the diner. I wouldn't have it any other way. Bon appétit!