First off, Lisa, my masseuse, was fine. My first time here. Had a gift card I finally decided to use. Called at 10am (appointment time) stating I was across the street stuck behind a broken down bus. I said I would be 5 minutes late. Nicole said they may not be able to accommodate me. It was 5 minutes folks. She was not very kind, stating they would do a ONE time courtesy and move appointment to 11. After getting there, Lisa was just fine. Afterwards, however, I explore the surroundings and find out the one thing I was interested in (the igloo) was out of service. Of course, as I walk in, the attendant was standing right there the entire time let me walk in and then embarrassed me in front of 2 other clients by calling me out about it being broken. I left shortly thereafter. I won't be back. Two stars because Lisa was fine.