Wait in line. Keep waiting. Wait some more. If they do acknowledge your existence, it will be with surliness.
Thus is the summary of the last three consecutive experiences with this place. Oh, and after all that waiting and rudeness, I still ended up elsewhere. First two times because NO ONE ever took my order - nor even made eye contact, even though they were three feet away. Last week, the entire line of people gave up after waiting for 15 minutes and went to Subway for lunch. The only person to get eye contact from an employee also got tools they couldn't get what they ordered. Something about a special code needed to make the grills hot? Meanwhile, other folks got their burgers. WTF? These people hate their jobs.
Three chances. This one was shame on me for trying again. Better service at McDonald's. And I bloody hate McDonald's.
For all those four and five star reviews, look at the dates they were written. There has obviously been a change in management. I guess I missed the golden age.