When I first moved to Phoenix to live with my boyfriend I asked him to take me to In-N-Out since everyone seems to love this chain so much. When we went I just got a regular burger and my boyfriend got an animal style one, my boyfriend also mentioned that their fries are kinda soggy and gross so we ordered them well done.
Anyways my excitement quickly diminished when I took my first bite, I was just like, "Ew this is what all the excitement's about?", I was starting to wonder if people in the west have never had a decent burger!
My burger was boring and just whatever, I've had better fast food.
My BF's tasted like burnt mustard, pretty gross.
The fries apparently were a lot better well done but still totally bland..they tasted like something you could get from the freezer section at any grocery store.
Other than that the place was kinda dirty, maybe we got there after a rush, but the employees were all super nice!
Maybe I'll go and give them another try sometime..but I'm hesitant.