Had AAA in CA for yrs-but new in AZ. Had cars/battery changes in life. My battery died so called AAA-AZ. Phoenix Battery van driver (USA) would NOT put in a new battery till I paid $20 EXTRA for a chem service..etc said you can NOT buy anywhere! The can said "battery cleaner". I found SEARS & OReilly...has it for $4. DId some research: can use baking soda& water to neutralize...
Told him to just "wipe off corrosion" and put in the new battery. Upfront-I asked 3x cost of battery -he said $129 ($25 more than AAA in CA 3 yrs ago). Later he said total is $168 ! Get it straight. He scrolled a screen-batttery $129 (ok). He FORGOT to add AAA discount ($25). I asked 2x! Looked at the invoice- he initially folded up & told me to put away.
Total was wierdly high: Battery $135 (he showed $129 on his screen but invoice had $135), Disposal fee (AAA advertises NO disposal cost...), Environment fee (?), Terminal cover $3, a few sprays he charged $20 "battery cleaner" (can buy $4). Put in complaint to AAA-AZ.. Later, opened the hood -he painted all terminals red! I questioned things - he resisted.
*Called PepBoys to COMPARE: corrosion cleanup "included", no disposal fee, battery input/labor-$19. If new terminals-$18.
AAA battery service seemed deception (charged disposal fee but advertise they dont) Next time - in 3 yrs. will go to PepBoys or Sears. YOU gotta question everything these days - even AAA.