Quest is the biggest medical testing lab here in Vegas. There is an old saying that bigger doesn't always equal better and Quest is living proff of that.
Two days ago waited over two hours for a simple blood draw and UA collection and when I finally inquired as to when I would be seen I was told in another 70 minutes.
While I'm waiting I saw several people in their eighties and nineties come in and be mystified as how to use the IPad based check in system.
As no one was available to assist them I personally checked in four people who had no idea what to do.
The real hell began when I walked out in frustration and called to speak to a manager .
It appears when you call quest you aren't really calling Quest but reaching an outsourced employee working from home who has absolutely no power or ability to do anything but apologize for the inconvenience, as if bottom level customer service is a simple inconvenience.
One woman proceed to agree with me how bad the service was and complained to me how bad a migraine headache she had that day.
As a former lab tech I truly have to wonder if their drawing stations are so poorly run just how bad are their testing facilities. Am I getting an accurate result?
Also they take to much blood.
I had three tests that could have come from the plasma in a single tiger top tube but instead they pulled three separate tiger tops. When asked why you're simply told that's our policy.
If you can go either to CPL or Labcorp
Not only are both far less expensive but over a much better customer experience