Sad night at Whole Foods. Three strikes and you are out ! I still play by that rule. Tonight was an epic fail. I ordered dinner from the really nice fellow at the fast food counter. I grew up in SF ordering Chinese food on the street and I never had that much trouble. I just could not make out a single word he was saying. Dinner area was FILTHY. I know they can not stop the hot sweaty worked out folks coming in from next door But YUCK! Totally unsanitary. No one was paying any attention.I watched a young man stealing and for fun followed him around to see if he would get caught NOPE no one paying attention. I had to struggle to make the girl behind the deli counter understand that I would like to know the difference in price between the sale ham and the regular priced ham I finally suggested she come out and see for herself after a five-minute disscusion that there was no sale ham I was of course vindicated. The worst part were the fruits and vegetables. This is where I lost it. WHO is in charge of making sure that OLD MUSHY ROTTEN tomatoes are pulled ? WHO is responsible for that cut up fruit Wet OLD smashed overly ripe watermelon sitting in half a container of its own juice ? I complained about that the last two times I am sorry whole foods YOU can NOT let the kids run your store into the ground. Ever been to AJs? Food City has higher standards of freshness. And finally the last straw ! I like the small Italian style cookies you can put in a bag. When I got home and EVERY SINGLE COOKIE IS STALE rock hard and awful I wrote this review I have to break up with you Whole Foods You only pretend to look good and care I can do better elsewhere for lots less