| - Forgetful Elephant
On an unusually busy, non-holiday Monday, I entered the Elephant Bar Restaurant in Peoria AZ and was greeted one. For a good five minutes. Sure, employees passed by, even ones that looked like managers. Not a single person acknowledged me. I'm not prissy by any means, but this does not fare well with me. At all.
Two of my family members, Mother and her sister, arrived right on time after the five minutes were up, and believe it, they were attended to. (Granted, I'm 37 and they're a little older and women, but customer service dictates: Even if you're prejudiced, biased, sexist, old-fashioned, homophobic or all of the above - YOU DON'T SHOW IT to the people who are paying your bills.)
Nevertheless, we were sat, and the waitress was a tad bit nice up front - when she arrived 10 minutes following us being sat, that is. Then, she was thoroughly confrontational with my mother when she produced a coupon for "buy-one-get-one-free" and wanted to combine that with a senior discount card. It was almost a game for the waitress to state multiple ways of telling her "No" on using two offers. Then, when my mother offered to separate me and her check and my Aunt's bill, the waitress's sly remark was: "Oh, well, you didn't tell me that." Never did she apologize for policy and try to make amends in other ways. Heck, even "I'm so sorry, but I can only accept one discount. Let's see which one would be best for you" would've been the most appropriate response for a policy that "cannot" be altered.
I will say, jumping ahead, the waitress did soften as the meal went along. So, I'm not 100% bashing her, I'm just saying in order to get the tip she's there for, she needs to put herself in our shoes, or at least, take some customer service classes.
We ordered. I had a major 2-day craving for real-no-box Mac'N'Cheese and lo...they had it all over their menu! 'Course, you have to pay more to substitute fries for it, but still I had a pregnancy-like yearning for it! So, I got that and the so-called Ultimate Bacon Burger. Let me tell you, a real, well-made hamburger is my #2 all-time favorite food, so I'm usually picky. This was average at best. It wasn't terrible, it was just okay. It was very messy - and this is coming from a clean freak that disavowed those Carl's Jr. "If it doesn't get all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face" campaigns.
Oh, and the Mac'N'Cheese wasn't bad, but it wasn't exciting despite the bread crumbs they added and all the multiple advertisements they gave it. Better than the 33 cent box kind, oh, hell yeah, but not something I would pay too much for.
Like the other chained "Elephant Bars," the ambiance is nice. If they're going for the Rainforest Café or Claim Jumper crowds, they're in 5-6th place. My biggest concern was the lack of friendly, attentive and concerned staff members. Even as we were leaving, a younger male, probably early 20's, was applying for a job. I almost told him: "Hey, buddy, despite the economy, you should still aim higher."