| - There are puhl-LEN-ty of places to get 4 or 5-star food in Vegas up until about 10 p.m. or so; after that, you'd better have a short list handy in your back pocket. For my money--which is running low around that time of night--there are only two late, late night-into-the wee-hours restaurants that I've found worth taking my midnight growling gut to. I wouldn't recommend them for daylight or early evening hours because there are just too many other stellar places to choose from; but when all the other wimps in their high white hats turn off the lights in their well-appointed kitchens, there's at least Lucy to satisfy your most basic need for nourishment and lots of it. Not to mention our basic human desire for tactile stimulation (eating with your hands), "strange stuff" (try the bread, which you may understandably mistake for a cloth napkin), and mysterious connection with antiquity, the soil, the call of the wild. You will have all these needs met, safely, at Lucy, at a fraction of what you spent on the Wheel of Fortune progressives. Oh, the second worthy joint is The Bootlegger, Italian, open 24/7.