I was surprisingly not too disgusted by PCL.
I say this despite the fact that its bouncers play the completely aggravating "You guys wait in line while we let hundreds of hot chicks and cooler-than-you d-bags in right in front of you" game. We didn't wait too long because we had friends inside in the VIP area (ooh aren't we special) who did manage to get us in. But the bouncers were total assholes to us until that point.
Once inside, again, I wasn't as annoyed as I thought I'd be. It was as jam-packed with ASU hotties et al as I'd expected. The music was actually pretty good. The bartenders were cool. Beers were 5 bucks a pop, not bad.
If you come in here with a sense of humor and don't take yourself too seriously, and you're with like-minded friends, I really do think it is possible to have a good time.