I spent the evening here with friends last Saturday. We waited in the bar until our table for 8 was ready. My first impression after entering the dinner-theater room was that the room was full, stuffy and it smelled like a locker room. When I told the waiter that it felt stuffy, his first response was that it's normal for a room to heat up with 60 warm bodies in it.... Wrong answer! The AC kicked in and actually got chilly a few times after that, but you certainly didn't hear me complain about that. I put the black cloth dinner napkin on my bare legs. Hey- It matched my zebra print skirt and black shirt so I was stylin' while watchin'.
I had already eaten so I ordered the previously Yelped reviews and highly recommended real buttered popcorn. I paid $5 for a bowl of grease flavored, unbuttered popcorn (I had ordered real butter). It was horrible and I hardly ate any of it. The cheesecake was good and the raspberry topping delicious, but $6 is pretty steep for a small slice of heaven.
Regardless of all that, I still rate Farrelli's a 4. I won't let a few negative experiences cloud my overall impression of the place.
My friend and I both decided that Farrelli's would be a good double date night out idea. Now all me need are two willing and available men...... Okay, so the line forms here...now.