| - My wife and I have been together for 3 years now, and ever since we started going out, I've been bugging her that I wanted to go shooting. 3 years later, still no shooting...and due to her being pregnant looks like that isn't happening anytime soon because of the lead. For my birthday a few months ago, she did promise that she'd let me go as her gift to me, but due to our busy schedules that never happened.
On a previous trip to Las Vegas, I had noticed an ad in a magazine for the Range 702, and on this Vegas trip, she said I should go and check it out.
It's been been a good 8 years since I had been shooting any fire arms, and with her nephew with us she figured it would be nice to take him along as she can't go. Pretty good idea as the closest he's been to shooting is on Xbox playing Call of Duty. We took the beginner class so he can get an understanding of the weapon. Our instructor was a former US Marine (OOH-RAH!). After taking the safety class, we then went into the firing line. He had fired a Glock, and went with an AR-15. 2 Hours, and 200 rounds later we good time was had by us.
Range 702 is a very nice facility, with very clean restrooms, a mini surplus store, and coffee bar and gun rental/shop. That's only the first floor, so I'm still not sure if the 2nd is open to the public as they offer scenarios also (as far as I know it's the Military and Zombie Apocalypse) so that would be cool to check out next time.