Imagine a PetSmart without any of its cheaper merchandise. That's Choice Pet Market. That said, while the prices are absolutely higher than PetSmart and the like, CPM does have some things to offer. There are some unique items. The store is quite small, so expect to be greeted and helped right away. Buying that 28 pound bag of dog food? They'll carry it out to your car.
In the past, I think I've only used CPM for pet photos with Santa. It wasn't my idea, I swear. Well, maybe it was. Or visited only when other pet supply options had been exhausted. On this day I was in search of vegetarian dog kibble. Don't ask. A visit to PetSmart was unproductive. I'm sure they had some, but I couldn't find it and they were understaffed. I wandered across the street to Choice Pet Market and was helped immediately. Used a 10% off coupon to reduce the cost from obscene to just high, and was on my way in less than ten minutes. Nice.
Understand that CPM's are small stores featuring higher end products. The prices have to be higher and the service has to be better for the business model to work. On this visit, the model worked well.